How much does it cost to be a member of the Sequim Bay Yacht Club (SBYC)?
There is a $50 application fee. Dues are $375 per household, annually.
Do I have to own a boat to be eligible for membership?
Boat ownership is not a requirement for membership. Over half our membership do not own a boat. You simply need to be 21 or older to be eligible for membership.
How many members does the club have?
SBYC was established in 1976. Club membership fluctuates over time as people relocate to and away from the Sequim area. SBYC currently has 135 member households.
What is the ethos of the Club?
Most of our members are retired or in the middle of well-established careers. As a result, we have a collection of very interesting people from a broad range of backgrounds. The social atmosphere is easygoing, relaxed, inclusive, and congenial.
Does the club participate in any community service activities?
Yes! Sequim Bay Yacht Club raises funds for Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County (VHOCC). We typically donate $30,000-$$32,000 dollars/year. Since choosing this organization in the mid 1990’s as our philanthropy, we have donated over $461,000.
What does the club do during the winter?
Sailing, powerboating, and rowing programs are active year around, though at a reduced level in the winter months. Social activities (one happy hour/month, and various theme and holiday parties) continue unabated throughout the year.
Does SBYC own boats for member use?
SBYC has two (Flying Scot) sailboats that are available to club members, after completing the learn to sail program. If you are an experienced sailor, you simply need to demonstrate basic boat handling skills to one of our instructors to gain access to the boats.
SBYC also owns several rowing shells. All shells are currently rigged for sculling. Access to these boats is available after completing the SBYC Learn to Row program. One of our members is a certified Level II rowing coach and offers coached rows twice/week. Experienced rowers must demonstrate basic rowing skills to gain access to rowing equipment.
Does the club offer any training classes?
In addition to the programs noted above, SBYC members may take classes in seamanship taught by America’s Boating Club of the North Olympic Peninsula (Power Squadron) at ABC member rates.
Are there other advantages to SBYC membership?
Yes, SBYC has reciprocal moorage agreements with 88 other clubs in the Pacific Northwest. Participating Clubs offer moorage (as slip space is available) to members who are cruising or sailing around the area.
How do I join the club?
Application forms are available here. The website has additional information about becoming a member as well as the contact information for our membership team. We encourage prospective members to contact the membership team for any additional questions. They will also invite you to join us at a club function so you can see first-hand what this club is all about.