COMMODORE bryan berreth
2025 board, pictured left to right: Past Commodore Lisa O'Keefe, Trustee Barb Diekfuss, Trustee Gail Spurr, TreasureR Deb Denton, Asst. Treasurer Gracie Alder, Asst. Secretary Kathy Frank, Secretary Carolyn DeSalvo, Rear Commodore Joel Cziok, Vice Commodore Miriam Childers, Commodore Bryan Berreth. Not in attendance, Trustee Michael Wu.
Our monthly general meeting includes a speaker, followed by a business meeting of SBYC members. The public is invited to attend. Meetings are held at the Club House at John Wayne Marina. Meetings are generally held every second Wednesday of the month at our ‘club room’ at John Wayne Marina, 2577 W Sequim Bay Rd, Sequim, WA 98382. See calendar for updated meeting information.