Click to access the membership application:

Please send the completed membership application and a check in the amount of $50 to cover the application fee to:

P.O. Box 1261
Sequim, WA  98382


Complete the application and submit to Membership Team along with the application fee.
Sponsorship by two SBYC Members is required.  The Membership Team will work with newcomers to the area on obtaining sponsorship.

Annual Dues are $375 and are prorated during the year.  These are payable at the time the Application is approved.

The application process usually takes 14 to 60 days. During this time applicants are encouraged to attend our General Meetings, on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM and Happy Hours as well as other social events.

Applications are presented to the SBYC Board of Directors for review.  Upon approval by the Board, applicant information is presented to membership for review.  New members are typically inducted at the next clubroom event or General Meeting.


As we are a small, casual and unstaffed Yacht Club, an important aspect of membership is active participation. Each member is expected to volunteer for social, clubroom and/or boating activities and is thereby afforded the opportunity to meet and work with fellow members, as well as share in the satisfaction of a job well done.

PLEASE CONTACT OUR MEMBERSHIP TEAM use the contact form below.