Yachting Destinations is a network of yacht and sail clubs that can be used by member clubs to manage reciprocal moorage information and plan member cruises.

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Our program this year includes 88 participating clubs. Most of our renewals come via the program Yachtdestinations, which is used to renew or solicit reciprocal privileges throughout the northwest boating area. .

Our club’s reciprocals are embedded into SBYC web site allowing members to access and print a particular club’s reciprocal information very quickly. If you plan to visit a certain club and use the reciprocal program, please check the details on the website as club programs are not all the same. 

Please make your slip available when you are cruising. This is critical to having a viable program at a reasonable cost. Temporary transit assignment forms are available from the Harbormaster, our clubroom or on our website under Cruising. If you forget to fill out the form or your plans change, call Harbormaster Shale Shore (360.417.3440).

If you are not familiar with our reciprocal program the following steps may be of assistance;

  • Check our list of 88 clubs to see if the marina you plan to visit has a club with reciprocal privileges with SBYC.

  • Check the Burgee handbook (available at West Marine) to get contact information or check the specific club for details on the SBYC website.

  • In general, clubs provide space on a first come basis and generally the marina harbormaster can assist if you are unable to contact the club.

  • Most clubs request that you fly your club burgee, some may ask for proof of membership (your SBYC membership card), and some may need proof of liability insurance. A few request that you pay and submit a receipt for reimbursement.

If you have questions on the program, please contact me via the e-address in the SBYC roster.

Carmi Standish, Reciprocal Chair